Modo de Diseño: Parámetros Internos del Sitio Web |
Ws_ID: 2defdd32-7141-4f72-ac82-7c1fabd335f0 |
Page_Id: 5150881b-ac62-4ec7-8c69-f20ccdc7cc64 |
WSU_Id: -1 |
Parámetros de la Página: ;mis datos;GBPWSTID=2defdd32-7141-4f72-ac82-7c1fabd335f0; |
Cart Guid: 94d004aa-80b8-442d-a33e-cbd4f1a3f635 |
Estados Internos * cust_id:-1 * st_id:169 * dl_id:464 * cc_id:-1 * ccp_id:-1 * Cuotas:-1 * disc_id:1 * bra_id:29 * prli_id:13 * prof_id:1 * stor_id:41 * item_id:-1 * camp_id:-1 * |
Comp_Id: 1 |
Lang_Id: 2 | |
* WebSite Designer * |
Tiempo Total de Proceso: 0 Segundos. Ultimos SQL Ejecutados: GBP_REPLACE: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW; SELECT cust_name FROM tbCustomer WHERE cust_id = -1 Tiempo Consumido: 00:00:00 GBP_REPLACE: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW; SELECT convert (decimal(16,2), dbo.fnGetExchange2('1', 1, 2,1, 0, 0, 0, 'False')) Tiempo Consumido: 00:00:00 GBP_REPLACE: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW; SELECT ws_newCustomerAllowed, ws_manage_showStockSemaphore , ws_manage_hidePricesIfNotLogged FROM tbWebSiteII_Names WHERE comp_id=1 AND ws_id = '2defdd32-7141-4f72-ac82-7c1fabd335f0' Tiempo Consumido: 00:00:00 GBP_REPLACE: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1000; SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW; SELECT tct.cust_name, tct.cust_name1, 'DNI/CUIT ', tct.cust_taxNumber, tct.cust_web, tct.cust_phone1, tct.cust_phone2, tct.cust_email, tct.cust_fax, tct.cust_lastName, tct.cust_address + ', ' + tct.cust_city + '(' + tct.cust_zip + ')', tct.cust_address4Delivery, tct.cust_birthDay, tc.curr_symbol, convert (decimal(16,2), credito.cust_credit_max) [cust_credit_max], convert (decimal(16,2), CASE WHEN credito.cust_credit_disp » 0 THEN credito.cust_credit_disp ELSE 0 END), CASE WHEN dl.dl_webSiteDecription <> '' THEN SUBSTRING (dl.dl_webSiteDecription, 1, 100) ELSE SUBSTRING (dl.dl_name, 1, 100) END [dl_descripcion], CASE WHEN st.st_webSiteDecription <> '' THEN SUBSTRING (st.st_webSiteDecription, 1, 100) ELSE SUBSTRING (st.st_desc, 1, 100) END [st_descripcion] FROM tbCustomer tct CROSS APPLY ( SELECT cust_credit_max, (cust_credit_max - cust_credit_cheque_own_used - cust_credit_cheque_3rd_used - cust_credit_balance - cust_credit_SaleOrder) [cust_credit_disp] FROM dbo.fnCustomer_getBalanceStatus(tct.comp_id, tct.curr_id, tct.cust_id, 29, getDate() , 29, -1) ) as credito INNER JOIN tbsysCurrency tc ON tct.curr_id = tc.curr_id LEFT JOIN tbDelivery dl ON tct.dl_id = dl.dl_id and tct.comp_id= dl.comp_id LEFT JOIN tbSalesTerms st ON tct.st_id = st.st_id and tct.comp_id= st.comp_id WHERE tct.comp_id=1 and tct.cust_id =-1 Tiempo Consumido: 00:00:00.0156256 |